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Text File | 1993-04-05 | 11.5 KB | 274 lines | [TEXT/EDIT] |
- Jims Jems
- Spring, 1993 Issue
- The trees are budding, the birds singing, and we are slowly coming out of our
- winter hibernation. Springtime is a time for beginnings, a time for new growth, a
- time for planting new seeds. One of the “new seeds” we have planted is discussed
- on the back of this issue and inforamtion is included with this copy of “Jems.” This
- is a product we are very excited about and offers a great opportunity for interested
- individuals. As always, I hope you enjoy this newsletter and your comments are
- most welcome. Remember: C.A.N.I. (constant and never ending improvement)
- “OK, I Took Action, Now What?”
- Previously, you were asked to develop an action plan for accomplishing the
- changes you want in your life. Now, let’s discuss the details of monitoring your
- results, being flexible, and locating & modeling others.
- There is one definition that describes insanity as “doing the same thing over and
- over and expecting a different outcome” If you are taking action and not getting
- the results you are looking for - change your action! I realize this sounds like an
- over simplification but most of us, out of habit, continue to do things that are not
- working. We continue to take actions that do not produce the results we want. I
- have know business people who have used the same advertising over and over even
- though it did not work. This makes no sense. If you do something and it does not
- work, do something else!
- It is important to remember that even though your action may not have worked,
- you did not fail. You produced a result. Granted, if you want to lose 10 pounds and
- wind up gaining 20, you did not produce the result you were looking for but you did
- learn what does not work. Now all you have to do is take different action and keep
- checking your results. Thomas Edison tried over 5,000 times to invent the light
- bulb. If he had given up after 4,999, you would be reading this by candle light.
- When he was asked about his “failures”. he replied “I have not failed, I have found
- thousands of ways that will not produce electric light. I am that much closer to
- discovering one that will.”
- Be flexible! If an action is not working, change your approach. If you continue to
- take action, measure your results, and modify your actions, you will eventually
- reach your desired outcome.
- I know this sounds tedious and time consuming. It can be. However, there is a
- short cut. It is called role modeling. Locate someone who has already succeeded in
- accomplishing what you are trying to accomplish. Find out exactly what they did.
- Ask what steps they took, etc, then go out and do the exact same thing. For
- instance, when I was walking three times a week, trying to lose some weight, it
- was not working. I talked to a friend who had lost weight and learned he did it by
- walking seven times a week. When I changed my actions and walked 7 times a
- week instead of 3, I succeeded. Find a role model & go for it!!!
- Penguin Pete’s Potpourri
- Be A Fire Fighter
- When several high level executives were asked what they felt was the #1 job skill
- for the 1990’s, they said the candidate they would consider hiring would have to be
- adept at “putting out fires.”
- Videophone Prices Drop
- AT&T is dropping the price of their videophone by almost 1/3, while MCI plans to
- introduce a $750 model this year. While that is good news for videophone users, it
- all but eliminates jumping out of the shower to answer the phone.
- How Quickly We Forget
- When a group of people were asked what they had eaten the day before, all greatly
- underestimated the amount of food eaten and overestimated how much they had
- exercised. Those who remembered eating 1,000 calories had actually consumed
- 2,000!
- Not For Women Only
- In 210 B.C, the Roman government issued a decree banning women from driving
- chariots. My question is — in what way did this contribute to the decline of the
- Empire?
- “If It Doesn’t Have A Heartbeat, It’s Not Important”
- George Donovan
- Business Tips
- If you, like most of us, are having trouble keeping ahead of your expenses, you will
- be interested in learning more about an exciting product we are now marketing.
- Moly Black Gold.
- MBG markets a line of metal treatments, lubrication enhancers, and combustion
- modifiers. When used in your car, truck, or marine engine, the products produce
- numerous desired benefits including extended engine life, increased gas mileage,
- lower exhaust emissions, and increased combustion, just to name a few. This, of
- course, results in you’re saving money.
- I have enclosed a flyer which describes the products in more detail and would like
- to mention here, that Moly Black Gold products are sold only through a network of
- independent distributors.
- If you are interested in saving money and increasing the life of your automobile
- engine and at the same time, reducing pollution and helping the environment,
- call us to order this fantastic product. I know you’ll love the products and there is
- a 100% money back guarantee.
- If you are interested in an opportunity to increase your present income or add an
- additional profit center to your existing business, give us a call and we can discuss
- this further.
- Personal Development – Physical Health
- It’s Your Health–Take Charge
- Recently, I have had occasion to spend a lot of time around hospitals and the
- medical establishment in general. If I have learned one thing from this
- experience it is this: take care of your health!
- When you consider the fact that only 23% of medical schools require a course in
- nutrition, it is no great surprise that the state of health in the United States is so
- pitiful.
- Please do not misunderstand, I am not blaming the medical practitioner. Rather I
- am criticizing the system that has allowed this to continue. Somewhere along the
- way we have lost sight of the objective, namely, health. In my dealing with several
- medical specialists and numerous hospitals, testing lab’s, and such, I have yet to
- hear this simple word used. I have learned about testing procedures so
- sophisticated they can tell you what your next door neighbor had for lunch but
- nowhere along the way did anyone speak of restoring or maintaining health. We
- are caught up a maze of technology, designed to diagnose and treat illness. This is
- great but there is a lot of “grey” area between illness and health. What about
- prevention? What about staying healthy in the first place? I think it is time we took
- our physical health in our own hands and stopped expecting the doctors to keep us
- well. It is time we stopped looking for the “quick fix.” Our continued health and
- well being is clearly not their responsibility. It is our own!
- Personal Development – Mental Health
- “Man Is Born To Live, Not To Prepare To Live”
- This poignant quote from Boris Pasternak reminds us, in it’s simplicity, that this
- is our life — not a dress rehearsal! This time of year, for me, has always been a
- time of action. Last year, some of you may remember, I participated in the Tony
- Robins Firewalk Experience. I must admit, I am having a bit of trouble finding
- something to top that (ha, ha).
- This is a time to D*E*C*I*D*E to do whatever it is you’ve been putting off all
- winter. It is important to distinguish between a decision and an empty wish.
- When you decide, you burn your bridges, to paraphrase Napoleon Hill’s classic
- “Think and Grow Rich”
- If you are not living the life you have always dreamed of, decide now what you
- really want in your life. Decide who you will become, and decide what you will no
- longer accept in your life. Then, as Nike suggests — Just Do It!
- Please send your comments, suggestions, or questions to:
- Jim’s Jems • P.O. Box 080157 • Staten Island, N.Y. 10308
- Fax: (718) 967–3442 • Compuserve: 71141,1331 • America On Line: Jim D34
- ©1993, Bovan Associates, All Rights Reserved
- Introducing . . . Moly Black Gold
- Contains patented QX only undersurface lubricant known to science
- plusMolybdenum Disulfide (Moly) which has unique ability to absorb into
- metal.Extends Engine Life By Reducing Heat and Friction
- Moly Black Gold Benefits
- Just Introduced To The Motoring Public
- Did you know that80% of engine wear takes place when you start your engine?
- every time you start a cold engine, the equivalent of500 highway miles is put on
- your car?
- Moly Black Gold Solves These Problems Plus Many Others:
- Extends the life of your engine
- Saves Gas (or diesel) – Increases Miles Per Gallon
- Eliminates need for premium gas
- Stops engine pings &knocks
- Lowers fuel consumption
- Decreases exhaust emissions up to 50% — “The Pollution Solution”
- 3—4 Times the Lubricity of Oil
- Penetrates into metal
- Increase Horsepower • Increase RPM
- Doubles life of oil changes
- Inhibits formation of gum, varnish carbon, and acids
- Best lubrication known — Nothing rivals it!
- Moly Black Gold Products
- QX–M–2001Lower Engine treatment
- 3–4 times the lubricity of oil • Extends engine life • Increases miles per gallon •
- Decreases emissions• Stops dry engine starts • Insures better cold starts •
- Increases horsepower • Doubles life of oil changes• Inhibits formation of gum,
- varnish, carbon & acids
- QX–F–3001Upper Engine treatment
- Stops formation of gum, varnish, carbon & acids • Maximum valve & cylinder
- protection• Eliminates need for premium gas • Lowers exhaust emissions up to
- 50% • Stops engine pings and knocks • Lowers fuel consumption • Improves
- overall engine performance • Extends engine life
- QX–AT–4001
- Automatic Transmission treatment
- (also available for manual transmissions)
- Provides high performance • Doubles service life • Reduces friction • Reduces
- bearing wear• Lowers operating temperature • Reduces engine drag.
- Extend Your Engine Life!!
- MOLYBLACKGOLD . . . Now You Can Too!
- QX +Moly Together
- No Better Lubricant
- Known To Science
- 48 Years in Military & Industrial use. Used by Chrysler, General Dynamics,
- General Motors, Texaco, Gulf, Dow Chemical, and others.
- Only $29.95 Per Treatment
- For More Information And To Order, Call (718) 720–8827 or (800) 944–3064
- Jimmy Spencer
- #98 NASCAR, 1992 Season
- “It impregnates the engine and reduces friction and heat which, in turn, makes
- better performance. I want to get as much performance. I want to get as much
- mileage. I want to get as much wear out of the engine as I can. For the little added
- cost that you could put in for protection — it’s worth it!”
- Now Available For Marine Engines
- Buddy Lazier
- Fastest 3rd Day Qualifier 1991 Indy 500
- “I used Moly Black Gold in Indy 500. In time trials, my race car ran fantastic!
- There’s no question, to me that Moly Black Gold reduced wear both in the engine
- and in the gearbox. Moly Black Gold is an advantage. It has a future on the race
- track and on the road.”
- Moly Black Gold
- Official Certified Product By Both NASCAR and USAC (United States Automobile
- Club)
- Moly Black Gold Test Data
- FB Test-11/14/92 to 11/20/92 (about 20 miles a day)
- ................................BEFORE................AFTER
- RPM’s................761................922
- VACUUM................18.3................19.9
- (higher the pressure the better, can be compared to a human blood pressure
- check)
- CARBON MONOXIDE (in %)................11................00000
- (incomplete combustion) (.05 is acceptable,this car would have failed)
- HYDRO CARBON (parts per million)................121................19
- (unburnt gas, passing is 220)
- BURN TIME (milli seconds)................1.8................2.0
- (one thousandth of a second)
- 10% increase=higher efficiency
- BURN VOLTAGE................1.2................1.0
- (voltage across spark plug) (Voltage is pressure on electricity)
- For Information, Call:
- 1 800 944–3064